
Monday, December 14, 2015


Model Korea Sexy

BAMBINO SCANDAL VIDEO hot private photo models collection from Korea

The more instant way to achieve fame in the world of entertainment. In South Korea, some artists even willing to justify any means for the sake of fame in a short time. After the girl group Girl's Day is considered like to show off underwear, now turn girlband newcomers, Bambino sudden popularity because reap sexy video recorded their fans widely circulated in cyberspace. Reported Koreaboo, video Bambino has now reached one million viewers on YouTube. About 27 photos and videos that have been outstanding since their first appearance last month of June 2015. They dance performances widely circulated quickly because the story wardrobe malfunction one member of the Bambino, Hadam. The fans speculated that members of the Bambino did not use underwear during performances. Video Hadam, leader and dancer Bambino which is widely circulated, showing a sexy dance Hadam with super short shorts so that from the front looks he did not use underwear. Dance girl group with the song single "Oppa, Oppa 'is quite tempting coupled with a pair of super short hot pants or when using a very mini skirts. With the incidence of this underwear makes Bambino popularity rose dramatically.
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